Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cuckoo, the manipulator

Once I wrote something about cuckoo in my previous blog post. It seems that cuckoo has once again drawn my attention for yet another reason,i.e for their shrewd way of hatching eggs in the crows nest. The female crow in the gulmuhar tree nearby recently started hatching and one fine day, a male cuckoo came near the nest, sat on a branch and started crowing at the top of his voice incessantly.Both the crow soon left the nest to chase the cuckoo away and meanwhile the female cuckoo came out from her hiding and laid eggs on the crows nest. She threw some of the eggs below so as to make the quantity of eggs appear the same. The female crow returned after a while and didnt see anything amiss and started hatching again. After a couple of days, chicks came out of eggs and the female crow still weren't aware of the deception. When one fine day, the cuckoo chick started uttering the first cooing sound, the mother crow realised that she had been duped by the cuckoo duo. Mad with raze, she threw the cuckoo chicks from her nest and not even satisfied with that, she started pecking at them angrily. Fortunately, some villagers nearby rescued the chicks and caged and reared them till they were able to fly.
Most of the time it so happens that the mother crow do not even realize the deception and the cuckoo chick grows up under her care and later flies away. What a blatant example the cuckoo shows of forfeiting one's duty.